
Poetry Contests

🆕 Slam 4 All!

Slam 4 All is our qualifier for the 2022 BlackBerry Peach National Slam Competition being held by the National Federation of State Poetry Societies in Florida this October 20-23. NMSPS is holding the Slam 4 All in Albuquerque on August 15 to choose representative(s) to send to the October event.

If you are a slam or spoken word poet, register to compete in our Slam 4 All! More information, rules, and registration form/fee at the link below:

đź”” Slam 4 All! đź””

New Mexico State Poetry Society Contests

NMSPS holds contests for its members from time to time. No contests are scheduled at this time.

NMSPS also sponsors two of the National Federation of State Poetry Societies’s (NFSPS) annual contests, the Land of Enchantment Award and the Poetry in the Classroom sections of the NFSPS Student Award. These contests are described below.

(NFSPS Contest #14)
To honor the memory of Susan Paquet
Subject: A Poem Related to “Borders,” real or imagined.
Form: Any. 40 line limit.
1st Prize: $75.00 || 2nd Prize: $50.00 || 3rd Prize: $25.00

Subject: Any.
Form: Any, 32 line limit.
Grades 6-8
1st Place: $25.00 || 2nd Place: $15.00 || 3rd Place: $10.00
Grades 3-5
1st Place: $25.00 || 2nd Place: $15.00 || 3rd Place: $10.00

Complete NFSPS contest descriptions, submission guidelines, and submission portal.

Become an NMSPS member and receive email notifications of contests.

Annual National Poetry Contests


The National Federation of State Poetry Societies (NFSPS) holds 50 annual contests. The deadline to enter this year’s contests is March 15, 2021. Some contests require membership in a state poetry society to enter. New Mexico State Poetry Society members in good standing are eligible to enter all NFSPS contests, including those marked “members only.” Become an NMSPS member .

Complete NFSPS contest descriptions, submission guidelines, and submission portal.

Last updated on July 29, 2022