A Word from the President Archive
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A Word from the President
June 22, 2022

NMSPS President
Vice President Bernadette Perez accepts President position. “Honored to serve as the NMSPS President for 2022-23, there is much to be done as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.“
With summer upon us, it’s exciting to see the reemergence of some of our favorite Poetry events opening up for in person gatherings.
For a lot of us, poetry saved our lives, and for that poetry has brought us together.
Some organizers have survived from livestreaming, and they still offer it to anyone uncomfortable with attending in person. But other older venues expressed relief at being able to gather again in the old neighborhoods.
“I miss people so much,”
The community and the environment that surrounds us in unity. I miss the noise, the emotion and the spontaneity. I even miss the tightness in my jaw, the butterflies in my stomach and the paper that shakes in my hand as I read upon stage. Yes I miss it all!
I ask that those who tend to stand in shadows, walk out. Read out loud. Feel the words. Share your Voice. Own your part.
Wonder what’s going on with NMSPS?
The 2022 NMSPS Convention has come and gone – and what a spectacular celebration it was! An expansive field of nearly 30 poets, representing a vast array of poetic styles and experiences, shared their poetry with all of our attendees, making this year’s event a smashing success!
May 7, 2022, was a rebirth of sorts, the first big public gathering of Albuquerque-area poets in two years after the Poets Picnic was originally scheduled, then cancelled due to city and state coronavirus regulations. A glorious rebirth it was with approximately 250 eager folks gathering in person, not on Zoom, at the beautiful Open Space Visitor Center.
Zachary Kluckman has a new role in the Society.The position of Fundraising/Contests/Publications Chair oversees all fundraising activities, secures judges for any contests NMSPS runs, and oversees any publications that NMSPS produces.
This is an area where Zach has experience and expertise and we at NMSPS are so excited to have made many important advances, particularly in these areas. It is his behind-the-scenes work for which we are thankful.
Bernadette Perez
NMSPS President
February 12, 2022

It’s February 2022 already? And still no flying cars, but thankfully we have plenty of poetry in the world to liven things up and bring us all closer together.
I wanted to reach out with a brief greeting and some updates, as we begin to draw near to National Poetry Month. Some of you may have heard already – but if you have not, we are planning our convention for April 16th – and we will be going virtual again this year!
What you may not have heard yet is how sensational our lineup of poets is going to be this year! While we can’t announce everyone quite yet (schedule and lineup will be up asap) – we can tell you that we have a stellar keynote this year, from the one and only Ana Castillo!
Ana is a tremendous writer, whose prose and poetry have made her an icon in the literary world, as well as being a wonderful human being, and we are thrilled to have her share with us this year! We will also be hearing from national treasure Dana Levin, Lauren Camp, Santa Fe Poet Laureate Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, our own Scott Wiggerman and more! And more to come!
I’d also like to introduce two new folks – our new Secretary, Carol Borsello and our new Communications Chair, Jannetta Lamourt! With these two wonderful additions, we are working to double down and ensure you hear from us at least once a month with updates and news!
You should receive another brief newsletter this month with additional announcements, and news about our new monthly NMSPS open mic (virtual), contests (including the current poetry video contest which is being extended until June 3), and much more!
In the meantime, keep writing and keep opening yourself to whatever light you can carry!
Yours in poetry,
Zachary Kluckman
February 2022
July 12, 2021
Upcoming Board Meeting, New Board Members

Greetings, family! It seems our little piece of the world is beginning to reopen, and with that, opportunities for creativity and expression are beginning to re-emerge like young buds from fallow ground. As we watch artists and organizers open their doors for poets for the first time in over a year, it is safe to say these are exciting times indeed!
And we are eager to continue building on that excitement with a few announcements. We have been working quietly behind the scenes to envision what NMSPS will be doing to promote poetry and poets in the coming days, and part of that work begins with announcing two new members of our Board.
We gratefully welcome our new Youth Chair, Scarlett Cortez, whose experience as an educator, artist and advocate make her the perfect choice for this role.
Also, we wish to welcome our new Convention Chair, Marissa Prada, whose energy, experience and passion will help us break ground on next year’s convention in spectacular style.
Look for more info on these wonderful people on our Meet Our Board page.
While we work to fill the remaining empty seats, know that we are developing several new ideas for the coming days that we believe will help to promote local poets in new ways, including book reviews and listings for books from our members as well as new events, contests and more!
We will be hosting our first Board Meeting with the new Board in July as well, so expect news of these developments in next month’s newsletter (to be emailed August 9). Also, I want to encourage all of those poetry organizers out there who wish to promote their events to visit our website’s Calendar page, where you can request a listing for one or all of your events this year, which we would love to promote!
That’s it for now, friends, but as I say, we have big plans (and some changes) in store for you, and we believe these will help us take NMSPS to new heights. We can’t wait to see you all again!
Yours in Creativity and Light,
May 20, 2021

Dear NMSPS Members,
Firstly, allow me to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who voted and extended your trust to myself, Marcial Delgado and Helen Knoll to serve as your new NMSPS Officers. We are honored by this opportunity to serve, and to promote poetry and advocate for poets across the state. From our conversations so far, (as we are learning the ropes) I feel confident that all of us have a passion to build on the foundation that exists and grow NMSPS into something we can all be ever more proud to belong to.
National Poetry Month has passed us by. Despite the challenges of a world still learning to recover from the impact of COVID, the previous members of our Board delivered a convention full of powerful poets and workshops. While there was a definite learning curve as the Board sought to navigate virtual platforms, I think we can agree we were honored by the poets who agreed to read and discuss their work with us, as well as Catherine Strisik’s uplifting and insightful keynote address. In that regard the convention was a rousing success. This is due as well to the tireless efforts of Bill Nevins, who dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy to recruiting highly respected poets. I would like to thank the outgoing officers – Bernadette Perez, Dino Leyba and Terri Klein, as well as Bill for all of their efforts to bring us this convention. All of them have agreed to continue in advisory roles, and Terri is staying on to support NMSPS with website duties as well. We owe you all our gratitude!
But I also want to acknowledge that we have work to do. The convention presented some challenges that we rose to meet and some that I believe we can do better with in the future. Some of the goals we carry with us in these next two years will address these and I would like to share a few of our goals with you, briefly.
We are going to work to improve communications society-wide, to ensure every member has access to the Board and to one another easily. We are going to work to increase transparency and establish clearly defined processes. We want to expand some of our programming because we believe membership in the society should include opportunities to connect with one another and share our – your – talents with one another and the state. We will work to develop more inclusion, and focus on extending a hand to members of the community who may not be have felt NMSPS has anything to offer them. At the end of the day, we want NMSPS to be a safe space for all as we do the work of advocacy, promotion and development of poetry and opportunities for poets across the state.
It is early days, and we have a lot to learn as your new Board. It may take some time for us to fully grow into these roles, so please be patient with us. But also, please feel free to reach out. We hope to host a town hall very soon, to give all of you some room to share your thoughts and ideas on the future of NMSPS. And we will be rolling out some new opportunities for our members very soon as well.
I hope that you all are as excited about the future as we are! Soon, we may be able to return, at least in part, to the outside world and to seeing one another in person – in fact, there are two live poetry events hosted by Voices of El Chante and MindWell Poetry on the calendar for June already, and many more to come – and we cannot wait to see you all soon!
In solidarity,
Zachary Kluckman, President New Mexico State Poetry Society

Election Results
April 11, 2021
Dear NMSPS Members,
Congratulations to the new officers of the New Mexico State Poetry Society (NMSPS) 2021-2023: President-elect Zachary Kluckman, Vice President-elect Marcial Delgado, and Treasurer-elect Helen Knoll. It is because of individuals like these volunteering their time and expertise that the New Mexico State Poetry Society will remain a success.

Convention Is Here!
April 1, 2021
Dear NMSPS Members,
First, I hope that you and those dear to you have been managing to stay healthy in the midst of pandemic and to cope with the changes it has brought to daily life.
Now, are you ready for some good news?
The New Mexico State Poetry Society is proud to announce the NMSPS State Convention on April 24, 2021.
This year’s NMSPS Convention would not have been possible without the generous support of all our Convention Presenters and Featured Readers, who are sharing their knowledge and poetry with us. While I am pleased that NMSPS is able to offer them modest honoraria, I encourage all NMSPS members to show their appreciation by supporting these great poets any way they can. Links to their many books, performances, and activities, together with complete Convention information can be found on our Conventions page.
Convention Registration is open now through April 22.
See you at Convention!

Call for Volunteers
January 23, 2021
New Mexico State Poetry Society simply could not exist without our volunteers…
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers, past and present, for giving their time to make a difference and helping our organization spread poetry in New Mexico and beyond. As a volunteer I absolutely love my role and all it entails – but without a doubt my favorite part is working with such outstanding volunteers!
The NMSPS all-volunteer Board needs new members! NMSPS will elect new officers this month and announce them at our upcoming State Convention, April 24 (via Zoom–save the date!). If you are an adult NMSPS member and would like to help steer the organization going forward, consider running for NMSPS President, VP, Secretary, or Treasurer.
If your skills and interests tend toward helping NMSPS grow our membership, encourage young poets, stay connected, market ourselves, and more! consider volunteering for one of the many open appointed Board positions.

NMSPS President
NMSPS State Meeting & Poetry Celebration 2020
October 24, 2020
Last Saturday’s NMSPS State Meeting and Poetry Celebration was a wonderful way to close out the week. Thank you to New Mexico State Poet Laureate Levi Romero for telling us about all his activities and sharing his poetry, to Albuquerque Poet Laureate Mary Oishi, to NFSPS President Julie Cummings, and to the NMSPS Board for sharing their poetry.
And thank you to everyone who took time out of their day to gather with us virtually and enjoy some great poetry!
For those who were unable to attend and for those who want an encore, we have uploaded a recording of the program below.
Together we build a thriving community, uniting our hopes and dreams through poetry.

NMSPS President
NMSPS is here for you
October 9, 2020
I know it’s tough and that every day is filled with uncertainty. One thing is for sure, however, and that is the fact that you are not alone. I share in your feelings of anxiety. I miss being able to see people. Many people are experiencing all of these strong emotions and I know how overwhelming it can become. We have to stay strong. I need you to know however, that things are going to start looking up. We encourage you to stay safe.
Although there is no telling when things will be “back to normal” in any sense, we’re doing our best to keep you informed and to be your source to experience and create beautiful, original poetry. You can stay abreast of what’s happening on the New Mexico poetry scene here on our website. Our new format allows for frequent updates. You may also follow us on Facebook.
You can also support NMSPS by joining or renewing your membership, by telling a friend or family member about us, or by volunteering.
As we continue to navigate this new normal, my commitment to you is that we will do whatever we can to keep NMSPS vital and vibrant, to share our learning and to help those who need it most. Kindness, patience and partnership will get us through this and we are here for you.
Eager to experience some great poetry and to hear the plans and projects of New Mexico’s State Poet Laureate? Join us on Saturday October 17, 2020 at the NMSPS Annual Meeting & Poetry Celebration

NMSPS President
Check out our new website!
August 31, 2020
You are now experiencing the new NMSPS website! I hope you are as pleased as I am with the way it looks and the wealth of information available here. Please “click around” through the pages and menus and feel free to message me what you think. If you are an NMSPS member, please be sure to check out your member profile on the Meet Our Members page. Don’t have a listing yet? Request one here.
Questions? Comments? Contact me!
Updated July 2021
Last updated on June 23, 2022